
"Heron at Park Lake"

Miramar 8

"Last Day in the Mountains" 

Missouri Review's Poem of the Week

"Why I Quit Writing a Journal"

Asheville Poetry Review

"On Faithfulness"

Poetry East

"Leah, Weary Eyed and Swarmed--" and "Leah, [as girls you both climbed]"


"Bell" / "Compassion" / "Objectivity"

American Literary Review

"Drill" and "Conversion"


“Montauk, NY”



Mead: The Magazine of Literature and Libations

“At the Kitchen Sink”

Painted Bride Quarterly


Cumberland River Review   

“The Bull and the Horse” and “Fourth of July, Brooklyn”

Flyway: A Journal of Writing and Environment

“Small Sketch Around Hollowness” / "C Train" / "Invective, Early Spring" / "Mid-Summer"

Yew: A Journal of Innovative Writing and Images by Women

A Skeptic at Night

The Splinter Generation

“Lepidoptery” and other poems

The Red Cedar Review